Monday, September 27, 2010

Class Constitution

We, the people of AP Lit , will strive to:

- Always be prepared
- Create an atmosphere of respect and understanding that shares ideas yet also challenges people to see things differently
- Speak only when we have something substantial to say
- Actually have a conversation rather than a series of monologues
- Be constructive with our criticism
- Contribute
- Participate only when you think you should—not because you think you have to
- Add onto each others’ ideas
- Have fun
- Apply concepts learned in the text to real life experiences
- Feel comfortable and secure
- Promote equality in number of statements per conversation
- Listen to our peers
- Giver comments that will help the conversation rather than hinder it
- Use the text as a means for conversation
- Challenge our peers for the betterment of discussion
- Boldly split infinitives that no class has ever split before ☺
- Avoid dominating conversation
- Avoid interrupting
- Avoid engaging in side conversations
- Avoid spacing out or sitting on the sidelines
- Avoid making sarcastic sideline comments
- Avoid taking the conversation off track
- Avoid turning discussion into a debate

1 comment:

  1. How does this compare to the constitutions in other classes?
